Saturday, September 24, 2005


Ring Members!

While conducting my monthly ring check, I noticed "Ring Surf" now automatically checks each blog for the presence of the ring code. If Ring Surf does not see your code on the front page, it moves your blog out of the ring; it seems to check weekly.

So, it is very, very important that you make sure your ring code appears in the sidebar or footer of your blog-- and not in a blog article.

The four blogs are having difficulties with ring surf automatic system are:

  1. Knitting Dreams. Your code is in a blog article. You need to get it into the sidebar.

  2. Machineknittingblog.netMachineknittingblog.netYour code is also in a blog article. You need to get it into the sidebar.

  3. Thoughts of ttd. Ring surf isn't actually kicking you out yet because you just added the ring code and it appears on the front page today. However, ring surf will kick you out when you update and that ring code scrolls off the front page. So, you also need to get your code onto a sidebar.

  4. The Knitting Fiend. Yep. It's kicking my blog too. But, mine is for a different reason-- my spam filter is over protecting me. I'm fixing this.

Ok. I know you all tried-- I can see you each put the code in somewhere. But, you need to move it. Here's how. The three sites on using blog spot can fix the issue by placing the blog code in their sidebar.

  1. To do this, go to your blogger interface where you normally create posts.
  2. Click "Template". You will see lots of gobbledy gook.
  3. Scroll down until you find this:

    (an open pointy bracket, explanation point and two dashes etc which indicates comments. -- I don't know how to show those on html. Their purpose is to make things invisible.)

    Add things to your sidebar here.
    Use the format:

    Gives the html for the a format-- once again, I don't know how to make this show exactly as in blogger


    (some dashes and a closing bracket. Once again, I don't how how to show these in html.)

  4. Cut and paste the code just after that bit! It's a table, so it will show up like a table.

Once you think you've succeeded, email me. I'll move you back over to the "members" from the queu.

Good luck!

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